A note from the future:
Last year, I ran a D&D campaign set in and around a modern-day US high school. I’m about to dump a load of assets and thoughts from that campaign onto this blog, but for now, enjoy these rules from the iconic fourth-session basketball encounter.
Rules for Basketball
A creature with two free hands can gain possession of the ball. When you gain possession, anyone on your team can use their reaction to gain an action and take part of their turn immediately. Alternatively, if you gained possession by using a reaction, you can gain an action as part of that same reaction.
New Actions
The following new actions are available to basketball players.
Follow (reaction)
When an opponent moves out of your reach, you can use your reaction to spend any remaining movement you have to follow them, instead of making an opportunity attack. This movement occurs after they have moved.
Intercept (reaction)
If the ball passes through your space, you can use your reaction to try and intercept it. Make a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. If you succeed, you gain possession.
Pass the ball to another creature. If you are marked, make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by their Dexterity (Sleight of Hand), or foul. If you lose, they gain possession.
If the receiver is marked, they make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check contested by their marker’s Strength (Athletics), or foul. If they lose, their marker gains possession.
A creature is marked if they are within an opponent’s reach and the ball must pass through that opponent’s space or a space orthogonally adjacent to it to reach them.
Attempt to score by throwing the ball into the basket. Make a Strength (Athletics) check. The DC depends on where you are when you make the shot.
Shooting DCs
DC | Position |
15 | The two spaces adjacent to the basket |
10 | The six spaces adjacent to the spaces above |
15 | Any other space within the 2-point zone |
20 | Spaces just behind the 3-point line |
For a shot from any other space, the DC is equal to the distance in feet to either of the spaces adjacent to the basket.
A creature marking you can contest your check with their own Strength (Athletics) check, or foul. If they succeed, they gain possession.
Steal (action or reaction)
Attempt to take possession of the ball from an opponent within 5 feet. Make a contested Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check, or foul. If the opponent has used the Dodge action, you make your check with disadvantage.
This can be used as a reaction instead of an opportunity attack.
Rather than making a contested check, you can instead foul, making a melee attack against your opponent. If you hit, you succeed on the check as well as dealing damage. Any other damage you deal during the game is also a foul.
When you deal damage to an opponent, make a DC 10 Charisma (Persuasion) check. If you fail, the referee takes the side of your opponent and will punish your team with a turnover, or free throws for the fouled player.